The Argus #1 – in Previews Now!

Hello faithful reader(s)!

So it has been officially announced, all official-like:

THE ARGUS #1 will see a release in February 2020. It was first announced on Bleedingcool:

And then it was posted on Diamond’s site (and was a Diamond Spotlight book too!)

The official Diamond order code is DEC191319 – if you take that code to any comic book store, they will be able to pre-order a copy for you. Pre-ordering is the lifeblood of the small press comic, so if you are interested, I implore you, please place a pre-order!

Here’s the first issue cover:

Look out for it in February! It comes out on the 26th (2 days after my birthday, and I know just what you can get for me…)


Upcoming Work

So for anyone still reading this, I wanted to show off some of the awesome stuff I have coming up. At any given time, I figure I’m working on 10-12 different projects with some amazing art teams, and I want to give a few sneak peeks out here.

Feast your eyes!

See You in Hell – a horror/sci-fi/pulp story with art by Chris Anderson, colors by Max Smith, and letters by Alex Giles.

Critical – the story of men and women turned into superhumans by a defunct government project that sent them back to their lives none the wiser…until the accidents started. Art by Miguel Cedillo.

Feeder – a former 80s action movie star’s life turns into a cesspool of drugs and murder for hire. Art by Darryl Knickrehm.

The Gate-Keeper’s Daughter – an all-ages story about a girl and her dog, who must travel to another world to find her missing father. Art by Samuel Purata, letters by Alex Giles. Currently making the rounds with my agent.

Hexagram – an ancient secret society is nearly wiped out and the members are replaced with their children – whether they want to join or not. Art by Andre de Almeida.

The Man Who Shook the World – an original graphic novel about the history of the world’s first masked crime-fighter. Art by Jerome Eyquem and letters by Alex Giles.

Patchwork – a supernatural murder mystery with art by Ken Perry, colors by Jack Scorey, and letters by HdE. Currently making the rounds with my agent.

Pieces of Hate – a post-apocalyptical nightmare roadtrip full of murder, mayhem, and massive amounts of drugs. Art by Justin Adcock.

Seven Days Left – an all-ages story of a boy and the ghost of his elderly neighbor in a race against time to find who murdered the ghost (before he was a ghost, naturally). Art by Marco Pedrana, colors by Lala Narita, letters by Alex Giles.

That’s it for now, hopefully one day soon I’ll be able to give you some good news about these books. For now, enjoy the pretty pictures! Cheers!

My Dream Characters and Books

Like any comic creator, I grew up reading comics and fell in love with those characters I was reading about. I came of age in comics during the Image Comics boom of the early 90s, which was all about NEW characters and NEW stories, and that’s what drove me to create my own characters and stories.

However, there are a handful of characters I would love to write stories about, and because this is my blog, I’m going to write them here and you’re going to read it, by God! (Or don’t, whatever.)

There’s a couple of Marvel characters I’d love to take a crack at (editors take note!):

Doctor Nemesis – a member of the X-Men’s science team (if that’s even a thing any more, I don’t know), a guy who artificially increased his own intelligence and fights Nazis by shooting them with hypodermic needles? He’s the snarkiest motherfucker in comics and I’d love to write a story or two.

Nomad – yes, I know when they first introduced the Winter Soldier in Captain America, they had him kill Nomad and stuff him in a trunk or something, but I know a way to bring him back (it’s comics) and I would love to write about this damaged nutjob who has a faulty super-soldier serum running through his veins and was trained to fight by Captain America. And those disks! Imagine getting one of those thrown into your face really, really hard.

DC has one character I’d give my left arm to write (although my hand would go with it and that would definitely impede my writing.)

The Question – far and away one of my favorite characters ever. The late-80s run by Dennis O’Neill and Denys Cowan is one of my favorite runs on a character ever. But I would be writing this particular Question, the Vic Sage version. Not that I dislike the Renee Montoya version, but she never really needed to be The Question, she was an established character in her own right. But I love old No-Face here, and I even know the exact story I would write.

And the last one is this ugly dude:

Three-Willie Seth, the Six Billion Dollar Bastard – from the later Authority run, written by Mark Millar. I fucking LOVE Seth. He’s a monster created out of a scrawny hillbilly and given 1001 superpowers. He single-handedly dismantles the Authority and crashes the Carrier. I’ve had discussions with my buddy, artist Justin Adcock, about what we would do if we could create a Seth miniseries. It would be totally over-the-top and gonzo, as befitting of such a messed up character.

Alright, so if anyone reading this (either of you) can hook me up with a job writing one of these characters…then, you know, I’m not hard to find.

(Look at that, two blog posts in 2 weeks, that’s something!)

Until next time.